Azure DevOps - Java Springboot

Azure DevOps - Java Springboot

Create a new project in Azure DevOps and select the appropriate repository type.

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Create a new pipeline by clicking on the "Pipelines" tab in the left-hand navigation menu and selecting "Create Pipeline".



Select the appropriate template for build process. For Java applications using Maven, select the "Maven" template.


Configure pipeline by specifying the build and deployment tasks for application.

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Save and run pipeline: Once completed all of the necessary configuration, save pipeline and run it to verify that it works as expected.

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Set up your build triggers by specifying when the build should be triggered .


Set up continuous deployment (CD): To enable continuous deployment, configure your pipeline to deploy changes to your target environment


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β–Ά GitHub Link
πŸ”—Romeshdg/Rdg_Java-Springboot: Build & Release an Application with Spring Boot using Azure DevOps (

πŸ“ Thanks for reading, and happy learning! :) ✌

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