CI/CD for an ARM template using Azure DevOps

CI/CD for an ARM template using Azure DevOps

Create a new project in Azure DevOps and select the appropriate repository type

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Configure the pipeline by specifying the build and deployment tasks for the application.

Screenshot 2023-02-18 015626

Save and run pipeline: Once you've completed all of the necessary configurations, save the pipeline and run it to verify that it works as expected.

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Screenshot 2023-02-18 015539

Set up continuous integration (CI): To enable continuous integration, configure your pipeline to trigger automatically whenever changes are pushed to your application code repository.

Screenshot 2023-02-18 015837

Set up your build triggers by specifying when the build should be triggered

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Screenshot 2023-02-18 015942

β–Ά GitHub Link
πŸ”—Romeshdg/Rdg_ARM-Temp: Sample for demoing CI/CD for an ARM template using Azure DevOps (

πŸ“ Thanks for reading, and happy learning! :) ✌

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