

First Create a Virtual network For the Head office

Screenshot 2023-02-26 102338

Fill in Details as per Project requirements

Screenshot 2023-02-26 102510

Screenshot 2023-02-26 102624

Set address range and create Subnet

Screenshot 2023-02-26 102645

Screenshot 2023-02-26 102703

Screenshot 2023-02-26 102742

Screenshot 2023-02-26 103047

Headoffice Network OverView

Screenshot 2023-02-26 103129

Create Virtual Network for BranchOffice

Screenshot 2023-02-26 102842

Screenshot 2023-02-26 102956

Set address range and create Subnet

Screenshot 2023-02-26 103008

Screenshot 2023-02-26 103028

Screenshot 2023-02-26 103102

BranchOffice Network

Screenshot 2023-02-26 103139

Create a Virtual machine for the head Office And attach it with headoffice subnet

Screenshot 2023-02-26 103223

Screenshot 2023-02-26 103325

Screenshot 2023-02-26 103342

Screenshot 2023-02-26 103617

Screenshot 2023-02-26 103737

Screenshot 2023-02-26 103922

Screenshot 2023-02-26 103937

Create a Virtual machine for Branch Office And attach wit branch office subnet

Screenshot 2023-02-26 105337

Screenshot 2023-02-26 105659

Screenshot 2023-02-26 105713

Access Headoffice virtual machine through public ip using RDP

Screenshot 2023-02-26 105740

Screenshot 2023-02-26 105812

Screenshot 2023-02-26 105929

Check Connection from aur Headoffice Virtual network to Branch office Virtual network

Screenshot 2023-02-26 110141

Screenshot 2023-02-26 110155

Screenshot 2023-02-26 110211

Add Peering Connections

Screenshot 2023-02-26 110345

Screenshot 2023-02-26 110357

Screenshot 2023-02-26 110602

Screenshot 2023-02-26 110620

Screenshot 2023-02-26 110632

Checking connection from Head office network to branch office network

Screenshot 2023-02-26 110710

Screenshot 2023-02-26 110724

Screenshot 2023-02-26 110825

Screenshot 2023-02-26 110847

Screenshot 2023-02-26 110859

Screenshot 2023-02-26 111030

Screenshot 2023-02-26 10047

Screenshot 2023-02-26 171812

Screenshot 2023-02-26 171840

β–Ά GitHub Link
πŸ”—Romeshdg/Connecting-the-Cloud-VNet-to-VNet-Peering-in-Microsoft-Azure: VNet-to-VNet Peering in Microsoft Azure (

πŸ“ Thanks for reading, and happy learning! :) ✌

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