Efficient and Scalable Application Delivery with Azure Load-Balancer and  Virtual-Machine

Efficient and Scalable Application Delivery with Azure Load-Balancer and Virtual-Machine

Deploy webserver with Load Balancer And VM Scale Set


Screenshot 2023-02-25 182443


Screenshot 2023-02-25 182409

Create a Virtual Machine Scale set

Fill in details as per Project requirements

Screenshot 2023-02-25 121521

VMSS OverView

Screenshot 2023-02-25 170423


Create a Virtual Machine with a Public Ip address

Screenshot 2023-02-25 140851


Screenshot 2023-02-25 170515

Access our public Virtual Machine through RDP & install IIS server and VMSS instances access through private Ip using RDP

Screenshot 2023-02-25 132011

Create Load Balancer

Screenshot 2023-02-25 170530

Frontend Ip configure

Screenshot 2023-02-25 170551

Backend Pool

Screenshot 2023-02-25 170609

Add Virtual Machine

Screenshot 2023-02-25 170626

Health Prob

Screenshot 2023-02-25 170700

LoadBalancer Rule

Screenshot 2023-02-25 170717


Screenshot 2023-02-25 170735

Check Server Using Frontend Ip

Screenshot 2023-02-25 172143

Virtual Machine Scale Set Rule

Custom autoscale

Screenshot 2023-02-25 173529

Scale Rule

Screenshot 2023-02-25 173947

Create a.bat file and Run a.bat file for Checking autoscale working or not

Screenshot 2023-02-25 175506

Final Diagrams

Screenshot 2023-02-25 182357

Screenshot 2023-02-25 182427

β–Ά GitHub Link
πŸ”—Romeshdg/Efficient-and-Scalable-Application-Delivery-with-Azure-Load-Balancer-and-Virtual-Machine: Deploy webserver with Load Balancer And Vm Scale Set (github.com)

πŸ“ Thanks for reading, and happy learning! :) ✌

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