Streamlined AKS {Kubernetes} Log Management with Vector and Azure Blob Storage

Streamlined AKS {Kubernetes} Log Management with Vector and Azure Blob Storage

💡Highlights of this project:

👨‍💻 Provisioned an AKS cluster using Azure portal or Azure CLI, enabling deployment and management of containerized applications in a highly available and scalable environment.

👩‍💻 Deployed an Nginx deployment in a test namespace of the AKS cluster, allowing testing of containerized applications and validating cluster functionality.

🤞 Created an Azure blob storage account and container named "akslogs" to store application logs securely and reliably, facilitating log analysis and troubleshooting.

💬 Configured Vector, a high-performance log collector, to access the Azure blob storage container and stream application logs using a configuration file called "vector-config.yaml", ensuring proper storage and analysis of logs.

📝 note:-Vector is a modern, open-source, and high-performance tool that simplifies the collection, processing, and routing of logs and metrics.

🚀Deploying and managing containerized applications using AKS, managing log storage using Azure blob storage, and utilizing Vector to collect and stream application logs for analysis.

✔ Please check out my GitHub for more information and the code related to this project!

▶ GitHub Link
🔗 Romeshdg/Streaming-AKS-Kubernetes-Logs-to-Azure-Blob-Storage-using-Vector (

Azure CLI commands

az group create --name MyResourceGroup --location central India

az aks create -g MyResourceGroup -n myAKSCluster --node-count 1 --generate-ssh-keys

Step 2: Log in to the cluster and create a deployment

Step 3: Create Azure blob storage to store the logs

az storage account create --name storageromesh2002 --resource-group MyResourceGroup --location central India --sku Standard_ZRS --encryption-services blob

az storage container create --account-name storageromesh2002 --name akslogs \

Step4: Storage Account Connection String


Step 5: Prepare vector-config.yaml

Step 6: Install Vector using Helm

helm repo add vector helm repo update helm upgrade --install vector vector/vector -f vector-config.yaml -n test-ns --version 0.17.1

Step 7: The moment of truth!

After a few minutes see the logs streaming to the “akslogs” container in your Azure Blob Storage.

✅ Overall, this project can help organizations effectively manage and leverage their AKS logs for various use cases, such as troubleshooting, performance optimization, security, compliance, and business intelligence.

📍 Thanks for reading, and happy learning! :) ✌

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